lundi 2 août 2010

IPExpert V3 Lab4

2.1 Unicast RIP

Using neighbor was the right way, but to prevent multicast I used access-list a simpler way was to make the interface passive. Neighbor command override the passive. Network is also needed

2.3 EIGRP Weight

A bit of recall :

Metric order with set metric command is : bandwidth delay reliabiliy load mtu
K order for weight command is : TOS K1(bandwidth) K2(load) K3(delay) K4(reliability) K5(mtu)

5.2 QOS on subinterface

I used hierarchical policy-map to apply CBWFQ on a fast-ethernet sub-interface.

Other solution was to apply on physical and match the vlan of the subinterface :

class-map PIN
match dscp af31
match vlan 211

6.3 Activate ssh

crypto key generate rsa
ip domain-name

line vty 0 4
transport input telnet ssh

6.4 Archive Backup

Permits to perform backup of running-conf on a regulary basis or when a running-conf is done, and keep a revision history.

maximum 10
path flash:backup
time-period 30

show archive

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